Trump's popularity reducing among Republicans

TEHRAN - The President of the United States is seriously worried about the country's 2020 presidential election. The drop in his popularity on the one hand, along with the possibility of a decrease in his votes in those states that led to his victory in the 2016 election, has concerned many of his companions about the upcoming presidential election.
Furthermore, recent polls in the United States show that, in addition to a number of Republican politicians, a relatively large number of the party' supporters are opposed to Trump's performance at the White House.
This is while Trump will need the backing of the vast majority of Republicans to win the presidency of the United States in 2020.
Another important point is about the results of previous polls which revealed that some Republicans have turned a blind eye to Trump and they're now ready to vote for Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, or even Hillary Clinton as Trump's potential rivals in the upcoming elections.
However, Trump is still trying to believe that he would be the winner of the next presidential elections in the U.S. At any rate, he knows well that he can't win more popular votes than his rivals, thus trying to secure his victory by relying on the Electoral College.
Electoral College, is a body of 538 members who select the president based on the popular vote in each state, meaning the person who gets the most votes nationally doesn't necessarily win the election.
It should be noted that during the United States Presidential Elections in 2016, Hillary Clinton has won the popular vote by more than 2.86 million ballots, which was about 3 million more votes than Trump. The Democrat beat the President-elect by exactly 2,864,974.
Democrats gained more votes than the Republican Party. And Hillary Clinton won about 3 million more votes than his opponent. But since the outcome of the U.S. presidential election is determined by the Electoral College, Trump could eventually overcome Clinton by winning more electoral votes.
After 304 electors voted for Donald Trump, he cleared the 270-vote hurdle and thus became the President of the United States. Trump is now trying to increase his popularity with those who voted for him in the previous presidential election. But he seems to have failed in this regard.
The President of the United States now faces polls that indicate a strong opposition against him within the Republican Party. The polls results has deeply worried the President of the United States. An overview of a recent poll suggest that Trump's and his administration's concerns over his decreasing popularity among the Republicans' supporters is not without a reason.
The results of the recent NBC polls and the Wall Street Journal, which have been published before the federal government's shutdown, shows that 57% of the participants did not acknowledge the president's performance, including 51% who said that they're " Strongly opposed "to his performance.
In this poll, 78 percent of the Republicans said they approved Trump's performance. However, it seems that even among these 78 percent, there are some people who, while agreeing with his general approach, they refuse to accept him again as the President of the United States.
Moreover, even based on this survey, we can conclude that about a quarter of Republican voters have crossed Trump. This alone can turn into the Achilles heel of the U.S. controversial President in the next elections in 2020.
Here it is necessary to emphasize once again that during the U.S. 2016 presidential elections, Trump lost against Democrats according to the popular vote, with a difference of about 3 million. But he was able to reach the top of power by referring to the Electrical College.
Hence, Trump is well aware of his high vulnerability in the next presidential election. Right now there is kind of intense rivalry within the Democratic Party over the next presidential election. Because of the continuing trend in the White House, the possibility of Trump's defeat in the coming election is very high.
Of course, this is if he would be able to finish his first term in office by 2020! Some analysts of the U.S. affairs believe that Trump's government may face some crises that he doesn't have the power to manage, including topics such as the relationship between the President's election Campaign and Russia.
However, polls in the United States show that Trump is severely vulnerable to future presidential elections. Undoubtedly, factors such as the shutdown of the federal government (which has just occurred) will lead to a further decline in the popularity of the U.S. President.
On the other hand, the Republicans' possible defeat in Congressional elections will also aggravate the activities of the Democrats in the Senate and the House of Representatives between 2018 and 2020, and their activities will be against U.S. government bills.
Under such circumstances, the power of the U.S. President will be limited to Washington. What is certain is that the polls results has uncovered the difficult situation that Trump will face in the next three years.
A situation that he seems to be unable to manage. It's not without a reason that some of Trump's companions during the last year presidential competitions are now disappointed at him as the next American president.
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